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Loan GL accounts settings part 2

This window enables you to classify your portfolio and loans in arrears according to different age classes. You will be able to define the different age classes of the loans in arrears and specify the corresponding GL accounts on which the amounts will be booked when these loans are declassified to the balance sheet.

Note: That in Loan Performer you can only disburse loans to Group and Individual clients only but not Business Clients.

In Loan Performer declassification of loans is done under the menu Accounting/De-classify Loans in Arrears and the system allows you to see the report on the ageing classes under the menu Loans/Portfolio Reports/Analysis Reports/Ageing.


1. The ageing report is only a management report that shows the different age classes and the corresponding amounts where as declassification of loans in arrears books to the balance sheet under Assets (Financial report). Also these amounts are posted to the GL accounts that were defined during classification. The following table shows you the trasactions that occur during classification and declassification of loans in arrears:

Balance sheet (Assets): We debit the assets..........................................................................GL account

Principal outstanding ..........................................UGX 5,000,000.........................................................00004.

Principal in arrears .............................................UGX 3,000,000

Principal not in arrears .......................................UGX 2,000,000

Classification of Loans in arrears (Ageing report for management)

You define the different age classes of the loans in arrears and the corresponding GL accounts on which the amounts will be booked when these loans are declassified to the balance sheet.

Age class.............................................................Amount..................................................................GL account

1 - 30 ..................................................................1,000,000........................................................................00001

31 - 60 ................................................................1,500,000.........................................................................00002

61 - 90 ..................................................................500,000.........................................................................00003

Declassification of loans in arrears amounts (Balance sheet - Financial report)

Amount.......................................................................GL account




When the declassified loans are repaid, the following transactions take place:

Cr: 00004 ........................................................UGX 1,000,000
Dr: 00001 ........................................................UGX 1,000,000

Cr: 00004 ........................................................UGX 1,000,000
Dr: 00001 ........................................................UGX 1,000,000

Cr: 00004 ........................................................UGX 500,000
Dr: 00002 ........................................................UGX 500,000

Cr: 00004 ........................................................UGX 1,500,000
Dr: 00003 ........................................................UGX 1,500,000

You will able to print a report on repayments of declassified loans under the menu Loans\Portfolio Reports\Reports on Repayments\Declassified loans repayment report.

You have to declassify again to get a report with updated values.

How to define the age classes of loans in arrears

To do this, you go to System/Configuration/Loan Product/GL Accounts 2/2 and following screen appears:


Loan Performer comes with 12 default age classes. You just have to modify the default data with the details of your age classes and click on the update button to create them.

How to define the different loan charges:

The same window allows you to specify the different loan charges imposed on your clients and specify the corresponding GL accounts on which these amounts are booked.

Loan Charges: You have to link each loan charge to the corresponding GL.


1. The different loan charge items should have been defined under the menu Support files/Charge Items.

2. The loan charges will be levied under Loans/Penalties or Charge on a single loan

After configuring the stamp duty you can now calculate the stamp duty payable under menu Accounts/Calculate stamp duty.

Note that the booking to the GL will only happen when you print the report generated at calculation of Stamp Duty:

Click on the Save command button to save the Penalty settings and on the Close command button to exit the menu.

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